The following is a listing of scientific publications, articles and theses which I have written or coauthored. My scientific work can also be found at Google Scholar and arXiv.
Scientific articles
Fano interference between collective modes in cuprate high-Tc superconductors
Hao Chu et al.
Nat. Commun. 14, 1343 (2023)
Cuprate high-Tc superconductors are known for their intertwined interactions and the coexistence of competing orders. Uncovering experimental signatur...
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Phase signatures in the third-harmonic response of Higgs and coexisting modes in superconductors
L. Schwarz, R. Haenel, D. Manske
Phys. Rev. B 104, 174508 (2021)
Third-harmonic generation (THG) experiments on superconductors can be used to investigate collective excitations like the amplitude mode of the order ...
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Time-resolved optical conductivity and Higgs oscillations in two-band dirty superconductors
R. Haenel, P. Froese, D. Manske, L. Schwarz
Phys. Rev. B 104, 134504 (2021)
Recent studies have emphasized the importance of impurity scattering for the optical Higgs response of superconductors. In the dirty limit, an additio...
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Higgs-Bosonen im Supraleiter
L. Schwarz, S. Kaiser, D. Manske
Physik in unserer Zeit 52, 80 (2021)
In Analogie zum Standardmodell der Teilchenphysik kann das supraleitende Cooper-Paar-Kondensat als Higgs-Feld verstanden werden. Higgs-Bosonen treten ...
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Momentum-resolved analysis of condensate dynamic and Higgs oscillations in quenched superconductors with time-resolved ARPES
L. Schwarz, B. Fauseweh, D. Manske
Phys. Rev. B 101, 224510 (2020)
Higgs oscillations in nonequilibrium superconductors provide an unique tool to obtain information about the underlying order parameter. Several proper...
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Current-assisted Raman activation of the Higgs mode in superconductors
M. Puviani, L. Schwarz, X.-X. Zhang, S. Kaiser, D. Manske
Phys. Rev. B 101, 220507(R) (2020)
The Higgs mode in superconductors is a scalar mode without electric or magnetic dipole moment. Thus, it is commonly believed that its excitation is re...
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Theory of driven Higgs oscillations and third-harmonic generation in unconventional superconductors
L. Schwarz, D. Manske
Phys. Rev. B 101, 184519 (2020)
Higgs spectroscopy is a new field in which Higgs modes in nonequilibrium superconductors are analyzed to gain information about the ground state. One ...
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Phase-resolved Higgs response in superconducting cuprates
H. Chu, M.-J. Kim, K. Katsumi, S. Kovalev, R. D. Dawson, L. Schwarz, N. Yoshikawa, G. Kim, D. Putzky, Z. Z. Li, H. Raffy, S. Germanskiy, J.-C. Deinert, N. Awari, I. Ilyakov, B. Green, M. Chen, M. Bawatna, G. Cristiani, G. Logvenov, Y. Gallais, A. V. Boris, B. Keimer, A. P. Schnyder, D. Manske, M. Gensch, Z. Wang, R. Shimano, S. Kaiser
Nat. Commun. 11, 1793 (2020)
In high-energy physics, the Higgs field couples to gauge bosons and fermions and gives mass to their elementary excitations. Experimentally, such coup...
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Classification and characterization of nonequilibrium Higgs modes in unconventional superconductors
L. Schwarz, B. Fauseweh, N. Tsuji, N. Cheng, N. Bittner, H. Krull, M. Berciu, G. S. Uhrig, A. P. Schnyder, S. Kaiser, D. Manske
Nat. Commun. 11, 287 (2020)
Recent findings of new Higgs modes in unconventional superconductors require a classification and characterization of the modes allowed by nontrivial ...
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Quantitative Analysis of the Density of Trap States in Semiconductors by Electrical Transport Measurements on Low-Voltage Field-Effect Transistors
M. Geiger, L. Schwarz, U. Zschieschang, D. Manske, J. Pflaum, J. Weis, H. Klauk, R. T. Weitz
Phys. Rev. Applied 10, 044023 (2018)
A method for extracting the density and energetic distribution of the trap states in the semiconductor of a field-effect transistor from its measured ...
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Computing eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of boundary-value problems with the orthogonal spectral renormalization method
H. Cartarius, Z. H. Musslimani, L. Schwarz, G. Wunner
Phys. Rev. A 97, 032134 (2018)
The spectral renormalization method was introduced in 2005 as an effective way to compute ground states of nonlinear Schrödinger and Gross-Pitaevskii...
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Higgs-Spektroskopie in Supraleitern im Nichtgleichgewicht
L. Schwarz, B. Fauseweh, D. Manske
Beitrag zum Jahrbuch 2017 der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
In Supraleitern existiert eine kollektive Anregung von Cooper-Elektronenpaaren, die als Higgs-Mode bekannt ist. Bringt man das System aus dem Gleichge...
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Vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates with PT-symmetric gain and loss
L. Schwarz, H. Cartarius, Z. H. Musslimani, J. Main, G. Wunner
Phys. Rev. A 95, 053613 (2017)
We investigate vortex excitations in dilute Bose-Einstein condensates in the presence of complex PT-symmetric potentials. These complex potentials are...
Website arXiv PDF -
Fano resonances in scattering: an alternative perspective
L. Schwarz, H. Cartarius, G. Wunner, W. D. Heiss, J. Main
Eur. Phys. J. D 69, 196 (2015)
In a previous paper it has been shown that the interference of the first and second order pole of the Green’s function at an exceptional point, as w...
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Higgs Spectroscopy of Superconductors in Nonequilibrium
PhD thesis, Free University of Berlin (2020)
Superconductors exhibit a collective amplitude mode of the order parameter, which is called Higgs mode. With the upcoming of new THz laser technology ...
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Transport through Bose-Einstein condensates with vortices
Master thesis, University of Stuttgart (2016)
This work considers vortex excitations in Bose-Einstein condensates in a situation where particles are entering and leaving the condensate at the same...
Fano-Feshbach Resonanzen in der Nähe exzeptioneller Punkte
Bachelor thesis, University of Stuttgart (2014)
Fano-Resonanzen sind asymmetrische Linienprofile, welche in unterschiedlichen Gebieten der Physik auftreten. Mit ihrer Hilfe können komplexe physikal...